Happy Birthday Spider

What do Streetheart, Loverboy, Tom Cochrane, KIM MITCHELL, Helix The Band and a tour bus load of other recording artists have in common? They’ve all had this guy play bass on their records!
Happy Birthday today to Ken ‘Spider’ Sinnaeve. As a founding member of Streetheart, Spider has been a major contributor as a songwriter and musical force throughout the bands career and is considered by many of his peers to be the best of the best.
We have been honoured to have had Spider back for a number of shows this year and his presence has been key to our successful return.
We look forward to playing as many shows as we can work into his busy schedule as we move into 2019!
Happy Birthday Ken!
Wishing you and all your family the very best throughout 2019 and beyond.
Photo courtesy of Janice Stobie-Rushton.