RIP Kenny Shields 10.24.47 ~ 07.21.17

One year ago we said goodbye to Kenny Shields, our friend, bandmate and frontman for 40 years.
The end of an era.
We went through a helluva lot of life together
Good times, bad times, memorable times.
In his prime, Kenny was as good as anyone on the planet at what he did an a legion of loyal fans across the years would give credence to that claim.
Kenny’s unique voice helped give Streetheart it’s own identity, it’s own sound.
His ability to work an audience was a thing of legend and he was a big influence on a number of other singers not only vocally but also, on how they approached their business of fronting a band.
Kenny was a one of a kind talent and we were all fortunate to have had him in our lives.
It’s been a profound year…
We thank all of those who have shown us so much support during the last 365 days.
Thank you for all the kindness and love you have extended towards Kenny and his family throughout this time.
We also want to acknowledge everyone in the media and at radio for always treating us with respect and dignity.
You have all displayed a level of class and compassion that we are most grateful for.
Speaking of gratitude, we are very lucky to have such great fans who have stayed right here with us.
We know how much Kenny meant to you as he did to us.
We hope that you will always celebrate the memory and legacy of Kenny with joy and remember all those good times that we shared.
Here’s to life.
Live it well and live it fully friends.
We know that Kenny would want you to do just that.